כנס האגודה הגאוגרפית הישראלית - 22-23 בדצמבר 2022
פרופ' שרה דולניקר
במסגרת כנס האגודה הגאוגרפית נארח השנה את פרופ' שרה דולניקר (Sara Dolnicar) מאוניברסיטת קווינסלנד, אוסטרליה. פרופ' דולניקר היא מחוקרות התיירות המובילות בעולם (h-index = 81, 22,000 citations), ועורכת ראשית של כתב העת המוביל, Annals of Tourism Research (IF = 12.8). במסגרת הכנס תיתן פרופ' דולניקר שתי הרצאות. הרצאת Keynote במסגרת המושבים המקבילים, שכותרתה תהיה "From Subjective to Objective Research Designs in the Social Sciences: Smart Sustainability in Tourism as a Case Study". בנוסף תיתן פרופ' דולניקר את הרצאת המליאה במושב הנועל את הכנס, שכותרתה תהיה “Women researchers in academia”.
Keynote presentation – for both tourism sessions
13:30-15:00 - Room 232 - Bloomfield Library for the Humanities and Social Sciences
From Subjective to Objective Research Designs in the Social Sciences: Smart Sustainability in Tourism as a Case Study
What types of knowledge are we creating in tourism research? What types of knowledge should we be creating? What research designs are needed to create those types of tourism knowledge? This presentation puts forward a systematics of knowledge creation in tourism. Using this framework as the basis, the presentation discusses how dominant research designs have changed over the past decade – with a push towards survey experimentation the newest trend – and showcases examples of tourism research deploying research designs that further increase validity and generalisability, allowing scholarly tourism research to directly inform practise.
Plenary session
17:30-19:00 - The Conference Center, The Maiersdorf Faculty Club
Women Researchers in Academia
Despite the collective efforts across all areas in society and academia to close the gender gap, still today women working in academia are forced to negotiate situations and challenges their male colleagues are not even aware exist. The aim of this presentation is to raise awareness of the many little hurdles, obstacles and insults women scholars are (still in 2022) facing every day of their working lives to enable everyone committed to genuine gender equity to (1) recognize these hurdles, obstacles and insults, (2) call them out politely but clearly and audibly, and (3) together, clear the path of those hurdles, obstacles and insults to enable women to be the best scientists and scholars they can be; to lift them up (not drag them down) as they work to push the boundaries of knowledge.